Buzzi Unicem supports robotics team
Published by Rebecca Bowden,
Assistant Editor
World Cement,
Buzzi Unicem sponsors the Leopold Gearheads, a high school robotics team.
The team has had a very successful 2016 season competing in the Missouri State FTC Robotics competition and the FTC Super-Regional Competition, held in Iowa in march 2016.
The Super-Regional event involved 72 teams from 13 different states and the Gearheads finished as semi-fialists. Supported by Cape Girardeau, they also won many additional FCT awatds this season, such as the Connect Award given to the team that best demonstrates a strong and open connection to their STEM community, the Think Award given to the team that best demonstrates how they overcame the technical challenges they faced building their robot (a device designed to dump blocks and balls into designated baskets), and the Inspire Award, given to the teams that best exemplify FIRST values and show overall excellence in their field.
Buzzi Unicem USA donation for the 2015-2016 competition year was about 4% of the total funding the team needed.
Adapted from press release by Rebecca Bowden
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