Ciments Vigier installs ABB Ability Knowledge Manager
Published by Jonathan Rowland,
World Cement,
Swiss cement producer, Ciments Vigier, a part of the global building materials Vicat Group, has installed ABB Ability Knowledge Manager at its plants in western Switzerland. ABB Ability Knowledge Manages allows a company to digitalise and integrate its process, quality, maintenance, and environmental date, supporting a plant’s productivity decisions.
“The installation of ABB AbilityT Knowledge Manager and digitalisation of our plant data is really helping us to optimise our short-term production processes and long-term operations,” said Mrs. Kim Tran, Quality and Environment Performance Manager at Ciment Vigier SA.
It provides a better view into our process and has given us a faster and easier access to our data. The instantaneous reports, trends and the data collection tools help us to make studies and take decisions. This new tool already lead to real process improvements.“
ABB Ability Knowledge Manager collects data from different sources in the plant, transforms it into meaningful key performance indicators, and makes this information available across the customer organisation to facilitate process improvements. The scope of supplier to Ciments Vigiers included the ABB Ability Knowledge Manager softare, as well as related hardware, commissioning, and training.
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