ALBA Nordbaden: RDF line in service
Published by Angharad Lock,
Digital Assistant Editor
World Cement,
Following a construction period of approximately four months, ALBA Nordbaden GmbH has put the new production line for refuse-derived fuel (RDF) from mixed construction and commercial waste into service. CEO Robert Kassel welcomed various representatives from the political scene and the business community at the Werk II factory.
Guests of honour included Thomas Strobl, Deputy Minister-President of Baden-Württemberg, Klaus Stapf, Mayor of Karlsruhe, and Dr Eric Schweitzer, Chairman of ALBA Group plc & Co. KG.
ALBA Nordbaden has been offering a broad service portfolio in the areas of waste management, recycling and power supply for over 30 years and as CEO Robert Kassel pointed out, the new RDF plant perfectly suits the company’s core business and future challenges or as he put it: ‘Our clients can count on us’.
For Thomas Strobl the plant contributes directly to sustainable energy management: “Protecting animals, plants and finite resources is Baden-Württemberg’s provincial government’s top priority”, emphasised the Deputy Minister-President.
ALBA Chairman, Dr Eric Schweitzer, commented: “Waste prevention and raw-material efficiency are key tasks. It is our duty to bequeath to future generations a world worth living in.”
For the first time the new RTF plant in Karlsruhe makes primary shredding possible and will produce up to 33 000 metric t of refuse-derived fuel for power and cement plants in a year. The energy produced – with an ideally low energy input of less than 15 KWhr/t RDF – corresponds as referenced to the annual power consumption of 41 000 two-person households. The plant automatically separates and discharges recyclable plastic, ferrous and non-ferrous metals as well as components containing chlorine using an overbelt magnet and near-infrared technology. The detection rate for ferrous and non-ferrous metals stands at 90%.
According to Rudolf Schwager from Lindner, who supported the development of the RDF plant, refuse-derived fuel < 80 mm is produced in the single-stage process. For this very purpose Lindner delivered and installed the Polaris 2800 shredder. The Polaris series was specifically developed for the single-stage production of RDF and was presented for the first time at the IFAT 2016 in Munich.
As specifically requested by ALBA Nordbaden in their call for projects the shredder should be able to process 20 metric t of input material an hour. At the Austrian producer’s service demonstration the Polaris 2800 exceeded the requirements by over 15% (>23 t) and the contract was subsequently awarded. “We were better than our competitors and won the bid”, said Rudolf Schwager. Within three days the system was integrated into the new RTF plant.
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