Benetech cleaner installed at Texas cement plant
Published by Jonathan Rowland,
World Cement,
Earlier this year, one of the largest cement plants in Texas was having issues with maintaining and cleaning the main belt from the kiln. The plant conveys material from its kilns at a rate of 150 tph, 24 hours a day, seven days a week, shutting down once every three weeks for maintenance.
Back in November of 2016, the plant invested in high temperature belt to handle the ambient temperatures running at a continuous 300 – 325°F, with peaks as high as 750°F. After trying multiple name brand cleaners from multiple venders, it was unable to find a cleaner system that would last more than two weeks without melting or burning up.
This was an issue, as the failed cleaners were causing damage to the belt, idlers, trackers, and ploughs, as well as preventing the belt from performing to its design and capabilities.
After a meeting with the plant and an inspection of its systems, Benetech proposed that the plant try one of the material handling specialist’s high-temperature cleaner systems. This idea was met with a lot of hesitation and reluctance: the plant reminded the Benetech representative that it had tried other brand names and colours of cleaner, and that its maintenance team was not interested in another trial.
A week later, the representatives from Benetech had a lunch and learn with the plant’s maintenance group. The Benetech team included its technicians, as well as its Plant Services Group to explain the difference in its product line and design.
Guaranteeing a longer lasting solution, Benetech installed its HOT PINK high-temperature blade. This blade is designed to withstand 375°F of continuous operating temperature, and offers and unmatched level of performance in extreme conditions.
The plant is extremely satisfied with the results it is experiencing. While other cleaners burned up after two weeks, Benetech’s HOT PINK High Temperature blade has been performing for over eight months, saving the plant time and money. The only reason the blade has not been replaced to date is because it was still performing upon the last inspection in early December.
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