2016 is safest mining year ever
Published by Rebecca Bowden,
Assistant Editor
World Cement,
According to MSHA fiscal 2016 was the safest mining year ever, with a record-low number of 24 fatalities at more that 13 000 operations across the country from 1 October 2015 – 31 September 2016. Looking just at aggregates, injuries are down to just 2 per 200 000 hours worked for 2015.
This historically low injury rate industry demonstrates the aggregates industry’s collective commitment to safe practices and proactively managing for safety. As operations continue to adopt cultures of safety, the injury rate should continue to fall.
“Each year for 15 years, operators have achieved lower injury rates than the previous year,” said Joseph Casper, NSSGA vice president of safety. “As things currently stand, retail clerks have a higher risk of injuries than workers in the aggregates industry.”
Joe Main, MSHA assistant secretary, cautioned the industry against becoming complacent when it comes to continuing this trend in the current fiscal year. “Eliminating mining deaths and reducing injuries and illnesses is a goal that must be shared by all of us. We can, and must, strive to reach zero mining deaths,” he said.
Read the article online at: https://www.worldcement.com/the-americas/25102016/2016-is-safest-mining-year-ever/
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