Command Alkon features next generation of ready-mixed dispatch at World of Concrete
Published by Lucy Stewardson,
Editorial Assistant
World Cement,
A leading supplier collaboration platform for heavy work in construction, Command Alkon has featured its dispatch and logistics engine at World of Concrete. COMMANDoptimize is an algorithmic engine that augments human decision making. This is done by considering millions of data elements in real-time, suggesting the most efficient plan for the use of resources.
According to the company, the challenge producers face when discussing optimisation is: How else can breakthrough results be achieved? Sending more information to the dispatcher or adding more people and trucks does not solve the problem. History has shown that this can be achieved in a dynamic dispatch and logistics environment with an integrated optimisation engine.
“True innovation for our industry is not about constructing new technologies that deliver the same results,” said Dave Donaldson, Optimisation Business Unit Manager at Command Alkon. “Innovation comes by taking a disruptive force and harnessing it to benefit your goals. It should not be about overwhelming the dispatcher with more and more information; it should be just the opposite. Let the engine digest all that information, analyse it, and then make suggestions on how to best use the resources available.”
“Our best people cannot do what COMMANDoptimize can,” said Ryan Bartholomew, CEO at Lauren Concrete. “There are too many things going on and humans cannot compete with the power of optimisation.”
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