NSSGA’s August AGG1 Online webinar
Published by Rebecca Bowden,
Assistant Editor
World Cement,
The NSSGA’s August AGG1 Online webinar, ‘Making the MSHA Inspection Process Work for You’, will help aggregates operators to learn how to prevent or mitigate enforcement action while still maintaining a positive relationship with MSHA. Presented by highly-rated AGG1 Academy presenter Max Corley with NSSGA member firm Dinsmore, the webinar will begin by focusing on managing workplace examinations and the walk around MSHA inspection, and then explore how operators can use the enforcement process to build and strengthen their safety culture. Attendees will gain practical tips that they can implement straight away in their operations.
Adapted from press release by Rebecca Bowden
Read the article online at: https://www.worldcement.com/the-americas/15082016/nssgas-august-agg1-online-webinar-87/
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