CalPortland plants receive 2020 Environmental Excellence Awards
Published by Emily Thomas,
Deputy Editor
World Cement,
The National Ready Mixed Concrete Association (NRMCA) has announced the winners of the 2020 NRMCA Environmental Excellence Awards recognising outstanding contributions to protecting the environment and maintaining sound environmental management practices in their operations. The programme salutes companies that have not only met, but surpassed governmental compliance requirements and demonstrated a commitment to environmental excellence through plant and staff investment.
“This is an excellent example of the ready mixed concrete industry’s attention to environmental excellence,” said NRMCA President Michael Philipps. “These winning entries clearly demonstrate the incorporation of environmental management systems into their plants’ operations.”
The programme provides awards in three categories based on climatic zones in which the plant is located. Three CalPortland plants were recognised in two zones:
Southern Zone:
1st Place Winner – New River Plant, New River, Arizona
2nd Place – Red Mountain Plant, New River, Arizona
Western Zone:
3rd Place – Snoqualmie Sand & Gravel plant, Snoqualmie, Washington
“We are honoured to receive the NRMCA’s Environmental Excellence Award at our New River, Red Mountain and Snoqualmie plants,” said Allen Hamblen. “Our employees and project teams at these plants symbolise CalPortland’s commitment to environmental leadership. We are pleased to see these plants rewarded for their hard work and perseverance towards this goal.”
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