HarbisonWalker breaks ground on new facility
Published by Rebecca Bowden,
Assistant Editor
World Cement,
On 8 June 2017, representatives from HarbisonWalker International (HWI) joined with local businesses and government leaders at The Point Industrial Park in South Point, Lawrence County, Ohio, to break ground for construction of its new, state-of-the-art monolithic refractories manufacturing facility.
“Our new South Point Plant exemplifies the future of our company and in many ways, the future of the US refractories industry. We’re leveraging our 150 years of leadership and expertise to reinvent how we produce and deliver quality monolithic products. The new plant will have a positive impact on product consistency and quality, availability, ordering, packaging and support. We are thrilled to officially launch this very important initiative today,” said Stephen Delo, chairman and CEO, HarbisonWalker International.
HWI introduced Kirk Donges of TSHD Architects as architect for the building and Mullins Construction as the builder. Lawrence Economic Development Corporation (LEDC) will provide building construction management services.
Read the article online at: https://www.worldcement.com/the-americas/12062017/harbisonwalker-breaks-ground-on-new-facility/
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