Argos’ Newberry plant breaks record for most cement produced and shipped
Published by Emily Thomas,
Deputy Editor
World Cement,
In May, Argos, the Colombian cement company, celebrated a huge accomplishment. The Newberry plant in Florida was not only able to break their record for the most cement produced but also break their record for how much of the product was shipped. Back in June 2019, the Newberry plant was able to set the cement production record at 127 800 metric t, and the shipping record was set to 120 900 metric t.
“Everyone at the Newberry Plant is excited and proud to see these records being set. With the current sales climate, we are able to show the untapped potential Newberry has. This sustained sales commitment would not be possible if it wasn’t for all the hard work and dedication of everyone at the plant as well as from Argos plant support staff and Argos Corporate. But with the new record set, we strive to set new records going forward”, affirmed Daniel Ball, Production Manager at the Newberry Cement Plant.
Last month, the plant was able to crush both of these previous records. They were able to produce 140 421 metric t, beating the previous record by nearly 20 000 metric t. Because of this increase in production, they were also able to ship 128 728 metric t of product to their customers and the ready-mix plants, beating the previous record by more than 7000 metric t.
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