Holcim celebrates World Energy Efficiency Day
Published by Emily Thomas,
Deputy Editor
World Cement,
Holcim is celebrating the World Energy Efficiency Day by reaffirming its commitment to the efficient use of energy. With sustainability being a cornerstone of the company, Holcim and its concrete plant in Puente Aranda are participating in the energy efficiency project promoted by an alliance formed between Colombia Productiva, Ministry of Trade and CAEM, among other entities.
One of the main challenges faced by the industry in the context of improving productivity levels, minimising the consumption of energy and reducing its carbon footprint, is to adopt efficient and rational energy use schemes. Holcim is celebrating the World Energy Efficiency Day to reaffirm its goal of promoting energy efficiency and to identify potential aspects aimed at improving energy consumption, as well as integrating sustainability into the operation.
These efforts have meant that over the years, there have been significant investments directed at optimising the processes, using more efficient technologies, measuring results and putting forward new challenges.
Holcim, with its concrete plant in Puente Aranda, currently participates in an energy efficiency project that seeks to improve the productivity of the Colombian industry by virtue of a national initiative promoted by an alliance formed between Colombia Productiva, the Colombian Ministry of Trade, Industry and Tourism, the Corporación Ambiental Empresarial (CAEM), Bancoldex, The Carbon Trust and the Consejo Colombiano de Eficiencia Energética (CCEE) with financial aid provided by the United Kingdom.
This cooperative model will enable the coordination of efforts between national entities and regional entities with the goal of providing technical assistance to different industries, galvanising actions concerning energy efficiency designed to increase productivity levels, and contributing to the effective reduction of the carbon footprint of the industrial goods sector, thereby achieving the goals Colombia committed to under Paris COP 21.
“As an industry, we are increasing our efforts to expand low carbon footprint construction solutions; we have also committed ourselves to achieving energy efficiency that not only promotes important changes as to consumption habits and environmental impact, but that also incentivises the exponential adoption of best practices, the existence of industries with products that are even more sustainable, and a world for future generations with resources that are sufficient for their development,” asserts Gloria Perafán, Holcim's Environmental Manager.
Read the article online at: https://www.worldcement.com/the-americas/09032020/holcim-celebrates-world-energy-efficiency-day/
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