NSSGA welcomes new Congress
Published by Rebecca Bowden,
Assistant Editor
World Cement,
As of today, a new Congress is sworn in and session begins.
“With Congress and the White House held by the same pro-business party, there is an incredible opportunity for NSSGA and the entire aggregates industry to affect change in the federal policy that impacts everything from transportation spending to permitting and mineral definitions,” said Michael W. Johnson, NSSGA president and CEO.
Key for the aggregates industry is the new administration’s pick to head the Mine Safety and Health Administration.
“NSSGA is actively pushing for a new MSHA administrator from the metal/non-metal sector of the mining industry instead of coal, as there are seven-times more MNM operations than coal,“ Johnson added. In addition to reaching out directly to Trump’s transition team, the association’s lobbyists have been active pushing several candidates to fill the post in the halls of Congress.
Another significant opportunity for the aggregates industry is President-elect Trump’s ten-year US$1 trillion infrastructure spending promise. Depending on how its paid for it has some support in the House but Senate leaders have indicated that it is not their highest priority. Other issues for the industry that are up for debate could be tax reform; the Career and Technical Education (CTE) Act, which would strengthen the aggregates workforce; and Air Traffic Control reforms, which would be an opportunity to increase the Passenger Facility Charge and Airport Improvement Program’s funding.
“Most importantly, congress has an opportunity to stop and potentially reverse some of President Obama’s most onerous and burdensome regulations, such as the Waters of the U.S. rule, Workplace Exams rule, pattern of violations, and the new silica exposure standards,” Johnson said. NSSGA will be busy urging the Trump administration to make changes to existing policies that are based on sound science and legal policy.
Read the article online at: https://www.worldcement.com/the-americas/04012017/nssga-welcomes-new-congress/
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