US cement shipments for February are unchanged
Published by Rebecca Bowden,
Assistant Editor
World Cement,
Total shipments of portland and blended cement in the United States and Puerto Rico in February 2017 were about 6.0 million t, essentially unchanged from sales in February 2016.
The leading producing States for portland and blended cement in February 2017 were Texas, California, Missouri, Florida, and Alabama, in descending order. The leading cement-consuming States (Texas, California, Florida, Georgia, and North Carolina, in descending order) received 46% of the February shipments. Shipments for the year through February were nearly 11.5 million t, slightly higher than for the same period in 2016.
Clinker production totaled 4.7 million t in February 2017, down by 7.6% from the output in February 2016. The leading clinker-producing States in February were, in descending order, Texas, California, Missouri, Florida, and Alabama. Clinker production for the year through February totaled 9.1 million t, down by 11.7% from that of the same period in 2016.
Masonry cement shipments of about 188 000 t in February 2017 were up by 8.5% from those in February 2016. The leading masonry-cement-consuming States were, in descending order, Florida, Texas, California, North Carolina, and Tennessee; these received about 55% of February’s shipments. Masonry cement shipments for the year through February were 373 000 t, up by 12.4% from those of the same period in 2016.
February 2017 imports of cement and clinker of about 813 000 t were 23.9% higher than those in February 2016. Imports for the year through February totaled 1.52 million t, up by 20.3% from those of the same period in 2016; however, within the 2017 total, the January imports were understated by nearly 28 000 t of gray portland cement imported into the San Francisco Customs district under a tariff code for another commodity.
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