Dangote news
Dangote Cement: Group revenue up 15.2%
Dangote Cement PLC, Africa’s largest cement producer, has announced unaudited results for the nine months ended 30 September 2022.
Dangote Cement PLC shares Q2 Results
The company's Nigerian business recorded volume growth of 33.2% in H1 2021 at 9.9Mt, with a record EBITDA of ?311.2B, up 60.1%.
Dangote in hot kiln alignment service agreement with FLSmidth
The six-year agreement will see FLSmidth providing hot kiln alignment services to Dangote kilns in Ethiopia, Tanzania, Zambia, Congo, South Africa, and Nigeria.
Bloomberg: Dangote Cement Plc reports surge in sales from Nigeria
The company's sales from Nigeria rose 5.6% to 179.3 billion naira, Bloomberg reports.
Dangote Cement announces successful issuance of bonds
The company has announced the successful issuance of NGN 100 billion series 1 fixed rate senior unsecured bonds, due April 2025, under its NGN 300 billion bond programme.
Dangote Cement Plc to access more debt funding
The company has had approvals from its board of directors to access the capital markets for medium-term debt funding.
Dangote signs deal to build cement factory in Togo, Africa
According to Reuters, Nigerian industrial conglomerate, Dangote Group, has signed deals to make phosphate into fertiliser and build a cement factory in Togo, the small West African country.
Dangote Cement provides results for Q1 2019
Dangote Cement PLC, Africa’s largest cement producer, has announced unaudited results for the three months ended 31 March 2019.
Ethiopian cement market shows strong growth
The Ethiopian cement industry grew strongly between 2013 and 2018, seeing the country become a net exporter of the building material, after years as a net importer.
Dangote Cement uses AUMUND Group technology
AUMUND is to supply Dangote Cement with conveying and storage technology.