Plant Tour: Höganäs Bjuf Refractory Plant – part three
Published by Joseph Green,
World Cement,
Refractory brick production
Aside from the new range of monolithics being produced in Bjuv, Höganäs Bjuf also continue to produce refractory bricks that serve the cement industry.
The company’s production of bricks is located in the 54 000 m2 plant adjacent to the new monolithic facility. About half of the production, which varies between 20 000 and 30 000 tpy, is based on the company’s own raw material – Borgestad Industries (the Holding company) has access to fireclay deposits (chamotte) from an open pit in the Bjuv area.
The rest of Höganäs Bjuf’s production is high-alumina bricks based on imported raw materials – mainly bauxite and andalusite. High-alumina bricks, which can withstand higher temperatures than chamotte-based products, are mainly used in the cement industry.
The company’s product range consists of about 40 different qualities with molds for approximately 6000 different shapes. High-end technology is critical to ensure uniform refractory product quality.
The refractory brick production process begins when the raw materials are crushed, ground and classified into proper size fractions. The prescribed fraction of ground material is weighed and mixed. When ready, the batches are transported to presses. Unshaped refractory materials are transferred into bags.
In the hydraulic presses a brick shaped product is formed. The inspection of product dimensions and bulk density is fully automated. The bricks are then automatically loaded onto kiln cars by specially designed robots.
The bricks are subsequently heated to high temperatures in tunnel kilns for sintering. Handling of all kiln cars is fully automated.
Unloading and finishing are the next steps in the production process. Unloading and finishing are fully automated to ensure uniformity. The bricks’ physical, chemical, mechanical and thermo-mechanical properties are inspected carefully by rigid quality control procedures.
Finally, the bricks are stacked on a pallet, wrapped in plastic foil and carefully labeled, ready to be shipped out to customers.
Refractory bricks such as those manufactured in Bjuv serve the global cement industry. The company currently manufactures products for cement makers in Europe, the Middle East, Asia and Oceania. This has led to many innovative refractory products and solutions.
The future of Höganäs Bjuf
Höganäs Bjuf wants to be seen as a company looking to the future. Whether that is due to their new range of monolthics or the R&D going into their refractory bricks, the company is centred upon innovation. Another example of this forward-looking mentality can be seen in the company’s new app for iPhone and Android. The app provides technical data and installation instructions when and where they are needed.
The new app is called SmartInstall. With SmartInstall, customers can have instant access to product data, safety data and installations instructions for the entire product range.
Höganäs Bjuf is focused on moving ahead of the times. The tagline that resonated throughout the plant tour in Bjuv was ‘building a new future’. Through the use of technology and setting new standards, Höganäs Bjuf continue to build with the future in mind.
This is part three of a three-part article written for World Cement’s December issue and abridged for the website. Subscribers can read the full December issue by signing in, and can also catch up on-the-go via our new app for Apple and Android. Non-subscribers can access a preview of the December 2016 issue here.
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