Electro Optical Industries continues to serve cement industry
Published by Rebecca Bowden,
Assistant Editor
World Cement,
Electro Optical Industries, formerly HGH Infrared systems, exhibited at the 59th IEEE conference, marking the first time that the company has presented at a conference since its merger last year.
Electro Optical Industries markets and maintains infrared products designed for both internal and external real-time thermal monitoring of rotary kilns.
Kilnscan is an infrared shell scanner that can create a full 3D image of the entire shell of the rotary kiln, offering a complete and exclusive toolbox to support its operation and to provide a full predictive maintenance programme. The Kilnscan's very high spatial resolution allows for it to detect a single refractory brick and will warn of any hot spot at the earliest sign of failure. Since its introduction, over 1300 Kilnscan units have been installed and are currently in use. Pyroscan is a pyrometric, high temperature thermography camera that provides temperature monitoring within the kiln, producing images with a 1.2 megapixel resolution. A rugged and robust tool, the Pyroscan operates in extreme environments, with temperatures ranging from 700°C up to 1800°C.
The merger with Electro Optical Industries will further enhance the company’s services and capabilities, with offices in both Santa Barbara, CA, and Boston, MA.
Read the article online at: https://www.worldcement.com/product-news/21062017/electro-optical-industries-continues-to-serve-cement-industry/
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