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Cement Association of Canada: new publications

World Cement,

Concrete Design Handbook and Design and Control of Concrete Mixtures are two key publications produced by the Cement Association of Canada. These can be purchased on-line.

Concrete Design Handbook - 4th Edition

The 4th edition of Concrete Design Handbook, the premier guide for concrete design in Canada, covers many aspects of the structural design of conventionally reinforced and prestressed concrete buildings. It offers a comprehensive analysis of the CSA Group standard A23.3-14, Design of concrete structures, and addresses the design of reinforced concrete structural elements in accordance with the Standard.

This new edition reflects changes made to the CSA Group standard A23.3-14 and aligns with the 2015 National Building Code of Canada. It supersedes the 3rd Edition printed in 2006.

EB101 - Design And Control Of Concrete Mixtures Eighth Canadian Edition

Written by S. Kosmatka, B. Kerkhoff, R. R. D. Hooton, and R. J McGrath.

Design and Control of Concrete Mixtures - the guide to applications, methods, and materials. This fully revised 8th edition is a current reference on concrete, that includes the many advances that occurred since the last edition. The text is backed by over 95 years of research by the Portland Cement Association and the Cement Association of Canada. It reflects the latest information on standards, specifications, test methods and guides of the Canadian Standards Association (CSA), ASTM International (ASTM), the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO), the American Concrete Institute (ACI), and the National Ready Mixed Concrete Association (NRMCA).

This book presents the properties of concrete as required in concrete construction, including strength and durability. Additionally, new information has been included in Chapter 3 on the new Portland-limestone cements that are now included in the current CSA cement and concrete standards.

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