May 2014
The May issue of World Cement contains some exciting features: a keynote article on Environmental Product Declarations for concrete by the WBCSD CSI’s Philippe Fonta, an interview with Gebr. Pfeiffer SE’s Robert Schnatz and Gerold Keune on the occasion of the company’s 150th anniversary, as well as a special report on the Brazilian cement industry. This month’s regional report focuses on Turkey and Egypt. Fayrouz Saad talks to Bruno Carré, CEO of Egypt’s Suez Cement, while Dr.-Eng Gianluca Bottacin outlines Bedeschi SpA’s projects in Turkey. The issue also includes articles on comminution and wear protection, thermal imaging, loading/unloading, bagging and packing. In addition, industry experts discuss occupational health and safety and maintenance procedures.
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Keynote: Environmental Product Declarations for Concrete
Philippe Fonta, World Business Council for Sustainable Development’s Cement Sustainability Initiative, tells how the Cement Sustainability Initiative’s latest work is an important step forward in Life Cycle Assessments for concrete.
Operating in Egypt
Fayrouz Saad talks to Bruno Carré, CEO of Suez Cement, Egypt.
Turkish Projects
Dr.-Eng. Gianluca Bottacin, Bedeschi SpA, Italy.
Brazilian Cement Industry: Adapting to Market Demands
World Cement provides an update on the Brazilian cement sector.
150 Years of Growth and Change
Katherine Guenioui sits down with Robert Schnatz and Gerold Keune, Executive Board Members at Gebr. Pfeiffer SE.
Safety in the Cement and Concrete Industry
Leading industry experts share their views on important precautions and health and safety measures for cement plant workers.
Strategic Maintenance, Reduced Risk
Larry Goldbeck, Martin Engineering, USA.
John H. Ross, Director of Technical Services, Industrial Kiln & Dryer Group, USA.
Multi-Purpose Crushers
Dr Armin Greune, HAZEMAG & EPR GmbH, Germany.
Benefits of Wear-Resistant Ceramic Coating
Jerry Miller, Valor International, China.
Wear Protection
News items from Kingfisher and Castolin Eutectic.
Tackling Chemical Challenges
Harald van Weeren and Jeffrey Kemmerer, PANalytical, the Netherlands.
Ship Unloading Solutions
Hans van Est, Van Aalst Bulk Handling BV, the Netherlands.
Rainproof Packaging Down Under
Riccardo Concetti, Concetti Group, Italy.
Innovative Bagging Solutions
ABB S.p.A Discrete Automation and Motion Division, Italy.
interpack Preview
News items from a few of the companies attending interpack 2014.
Ensuring Kiln Health Through Temperature Monitoring
Gildas Chauvel, HGH Infrared Systems, France.
Acoustic Pyrometry in Cement Manufacturing
George Kychakoff, Enertechnix, and Andrew F. Hollingshead, P.E., Penta Engineering Corporation.
Product News
Regional Report Fact Sheet
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