May 2012
Our May issue focuses on key trends in the North American cement industry, featuring articles on technical innovation in the region, expert analysis of the construction sector and its impact on the cement industry, as well as reports on how cement plants are preparing for NESHAP regulations. Paul Maxwell-Cook’s Industry Insight looks at the burgeoning cement industry in Nigeria, outlining its development, expansion plans and the impact of Chinese investment in the region. The IEEE-IAS/PCA Cement Conference 2012 Supplement provides a range of information about the event. It includes a tour of the Cemex Balcones Plant and the TXI Hunter Cement Plant, which delegates at this year’s Conference will have the opportunity to visit, a preview of tutorials and technical papers, exhibitor information and a look at those who work hard to make the Conference a success.
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Cement News
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15 Facts On...
Paul Maxwell-Cook’s Industry Insight: Pain and Progress
Paul Maxwell-Cook looks at Nigeria’s burgeoning cement industry, its expansion plans both domestically and further afield, and the impact of Chinese investment.
Almost There
Ed Sullivan, Chief Economist, Portland Cement Association, explains why the construction recovery shows a twinge of optimism for the US cement industry.
Ash Grove Turns 130, Still Moving Ahead
Ash Grove Cement Company, USA, tells how the company is progressing health, safety and environmental issues.
Plant Tour Summaries
Paul Maxwell-Cook provides a brief walk through the Cemex Balcones Plant and the TXI Hunter Cement Plant, which delegates at this year’s IEEE-IAS/PCA Conference will have the opportunity to visit.
Meeting New Regulations with Activated Carbon
Rex Keel, Norit Americas, USA, offers results from a full-scale cement plant field test in the wake of EPA mercury emission standards.
Staying Within the Limit
Andy Winston and Jim Plummer, GE Energy, USA, discuss the steps that can be taken to ensure clinker cooler dust collectors adhere to the new EPA standards.
Calibration for Compliance
Valérie Bossoutrot, Eric Coffre, Martine Carré, André Houzet and André Lafont, Air Liquide – Delaware Research and Technology Center, USA, present the concept of helping emission regulation compliance by improving HF analysis.
Reading Between the Lines
John Knotts and Chris Polizzi, W. L. Gore & Associates, USA, discuss how new regulations in the US will revolutionise guarantees for particulate filtration systems.
Compliance Navigation
R. Muenster and M. Radigan, VIM Technologies Inc., USA, explain how to navigate the source monitoring and data reporting requirements associated with 40CFR Part 63, Subpart LLL – the Portland Cement MACT Rules.
Industrial Cleanup in the American Southwest
Mike Kohn, Guzzler Manufacturing, USA, discusses material spills and the role of high-dump capacity trucks in material cleanup and removal.
Heading for a Fall?
Pete Singleton, Carbis Inc., USA, looks at safer solutions for cement truck loading operations.
Production Resource Optimisation
Rosy Wang, Global Solutions Director for Cement, Schneider Electric, outlines how production resource optimisation can improve efficiency, quality and sustainability.
Rotary Feeders: Reducing Downtime
Kirk W. Morton, President, Precision Machine & Manufacturing, Inc., USA, tells how selecting the right rotary feeder can minimise production downtime in a cement plant.
Scale Accuracy: A Hidden Challenge
Brad Hudson, Mettler-Toledo, USA, explains how to choose the right vehicle scale for accuracy and reliability.
The Mechanical Elephant in the Plant
Andrew Smith and Stacey Rice, Brokk and Bricking Solutions, USA, discuss bricking machine safety and maintenance.
When Corrosion Strikes
Linas Mazeika, President, 3L&T Inc., USA, draws on recent experience to discuss corrosion problems caused by variable flue gas temperatures.
Predicting Life Spans
Finley Ledbetter, Vacuum Interrupters Inc., and John Cadick, Cadick Corporation, USA, present field test methods for predicting the life span of vacuum interrupters.
The Backup Plan
Scott Fess, Applied Rigaku Technologies Inc., USA, discusses affordable EDXRF backup systems for cement plants.
CFD Modelling in the Cement Industry
Victor J. Turnell, P.E., Turnell Corp., USA, describes CFD simulation and its benefits in applications in the cement industry.
Flexible Grinding
Didier Bourbon and Eric Edet, Fives FCB, France, explore the role of mills and classifiers in aiding efficiency and flexibility in the cement grinding process.
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