June 2016
This issue features a Keynote from Cembureau on how the cement industry impacts upon the European economy as a whole. This month’s exciting regional report looks at plant stories and market updates from Brazil. Technical features focus on storage & stockpiles, XRF, alternative fuels, refractories and more. The issue also includes bonus distribution at this year’s Hillhead exhibition.
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Keynote: Opening the Debate
Koen Coppenholle, CEMBUREAU, Europe.
Margem’s New 3000 tpd Greenfield Plant at Adrianópolis
Carlos Medeiros Abreu, Antonio Balastreiro, Luiz Taliberti, Margem Campanhia de Mineração, Brazil, and Steven W. Miller, FLSmidth Inc.
Creating a Pre-Assembled Monster of a Bag Filter
Giuliamaria Meriggi, Redecam Group, Italy.
Here Comes Trouble
Danny Richards, Timetric, UK.
Cone Hoppers in Storage Silos
Dennis Blauser, Marietta Silos, USA.
Auckland and Timaru Domes
Ken Cowie, Holcim, New Zealand.
A Special Adaptation
Mathis Menzel, Menzel Elektromotoren GmbH, Germany.
Dual Drive System for Belt Conveyors
Mike Gawinski, Rulmeca Corporation, USA.
Influence of Magnesia in Mag-Spinel Bricks
Geraldo Eduardo Gonçalves, Graziella Rajão Cota Pacheco, Modestino Alves de Moura Brito, Sérgio Luiz Cabral da Silva, Magnesita, Brazil, and Vanessa de Freitas Cunha Lins, Federal University of Minas Gerais, Brazil.
In the Interest of Dry Gunning
Dr. Loïc Andre, HEPHA, France.
Reducing Cement Residue
Shyamal Roy, Jitendra Nayak, Sanjeev Srivastava and Sanjay Agrawal, UltraTech Cement LTD., India.
Reaching New Heights
Randy DeCoteau, Bricking Solutions, USA.
The Search for a Best Practice
Peter Streinik, UNTHA, Austria.
Hillhead Preview
Fusion System for XRF Analysis
Jose Las Navas, Navas Instruments, USA.
Product News
Regional Report Infographic
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