July 2015
The July issue is once again home to World Cement’s annual World Review, a plant-by-plant, country-by-country list of contracts, news and updates from the international cement and lime industries. Paul Maxwell-Cook introduces the World Review with his ‘Global Panorama’, looking at key regions of activity for the cement industry. The issue also includes product news and technical articles from the fields of conveying and wear protection, as well as insights into how to deal with MSHA/OSHA inspectors.
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Keynote: Global Panorama
Paul Maxwell-Cook introduces our World Review with a selection of topical news from around the world.
World Review
Africa & Middle East
Asia & Pacific Rim
North & Central America
South America
Europe & CIS
Fixing a Cooler Bottleneck
Andre Vos, Claudius Peters Projects GmbH, Germany, discusses the main factors that led Holcim La Union to decide on a completely new cooler when experiencing a major bottleneck in the plant.
Europe’s Longest Conveyor
Olivier LaPlace, Brunone, France, discusses the development of the longest conveyor in Europe, designed to transport limestone to Vicat’s Montalieu plant in France.
Conveyor Round-Up
Featuring product news from Flexco, 4B, ASGCO and Martin Engineering.
Bearing Protection
Dr Chris Carmody, AESSEAL®, explains how modern labyrinth design bearing protection seals can reduce bearing failures in cement grinding and processing plants.
The Value of Vibrations
Chris Hansford, Hansford Sensors, UK, explains how the installation and proper use of vibration monitoring can ensure manufacturers keep up with demand and avoid downtime.
Wear Round-Up
Featuring product and project news from Wear Concepts, Valor and Kjellberg.
Knowledge is Power
Henry Chajet, The Jackson Lewis Safety and Health Law Team, USA, provides Enforcement and Liability Risk Reduction Tips and Knowledge to keep your company at low risk of adverse DOL/MSHA/OSHA actions.
Ports & Terminals
The latest news from international port and terminal projects.
World Review Infographic
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