July 2012
This month’s issue is the annual World Review, which provides information about new projects, upgrades and expansions on a plant-by-plant, country-by-country basis. Paul Maxwell-Cook introduces the World Review with a whistle-stop tour of the latest news and reports from across the global cement industry. The July issue also features articles on automation solutions and shipping reform, in addition to plant case studies.
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Cement News
Product News
The World Review Wordsearch
World Review 2012
Africa & Middle East
Asia & Pacific Rim
North & Central America
South America
Europe & CIS
Shipping Reform
Sandy Galbraith, Director and Partner with Thompson Clarke Shipping Pty Ltd, Australia.
Modifications at Matera
Mariano Miggiano, Italcementi, Italy, and Sebastian Maibaum, IKN, Germany.
Precision and Control in Malaysia
A case study from ABB.
The Road to Operational Efficiency
Simon Ellam, Siemens Industry Automation, UK.
Innovative Quality Assurance
Uwe Schneider and Wolfgang Nar, Solnhofen Portland cement plant, and Axel Eggert,ThyssenKrupp Polysius AG, Germany.
Database-Driven Software
Martin Imbusch, Aucotec, Germany.
Expansion in Saudi Arabia
Muayad Matar, Technical Advisor and Project Manager, Najran Cement Company, Saudi Arabia.
Squirrel Solution
Jozsef Janovits, Lafarge Cement Hungary and Alf Banse, Siemens AG, Germany.
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