January 2012
We begin 2012 with a Special Environmental Issue, focusing especially on global targets and trends, and, on the technical side, filters, baghouses and dedusting. Burning and processing alternative fuels also gets a mention, as does mercury emission monitoring. For our regional report, we focus on Russia – a country with enormous potential. Paul Maxwell-Cook’s Industry Insight looks at how Poland is faring on its road to prosperity.
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Cement News
15 Facts On...
Resolute Poland
Paul Maxwell-Cook examines Poland’s road to success.
Russian Roulette
The Russian economy is at a crossroads. Charles Movit, IHS Global Insight, USA, offers his analysis.
Foundations of Growth
Shushmul Maheshwari, RNCOS, Russia, provides an overview of the Russian cement industry.
The Cement Industry in the EU Regulatory Maze – The Long March to “Better Regulation”
Jean-Marie Chandelle, CEMBUREAU Chief Executive, discusses the regulatory issues facing the cement industry in the EU and the impact these are having.
Regulations, Targets and Trends in the Cement Industry
The World Business Council for Sustainable Development’s Cement Sustainability Initiative has recently completed a comprehensive stakeholder engagement survey. Philippe Fonta, the CSI’s new Program Director, reviews the key issues for WORLD CEMENT.
Dust Collector Optimisation
Andy Winston, GE Energy, USA, together with insight from Nick Trout, Argos USA, describes events and lessons learned from the start up of a cement plant to meeting looming environmental regulations.
Forward Filter Thinking
Henrik Vittrup Pedersen, FLSmidth A/S, Airtech – Air Pollution Control, Denmark, explains how long filter bags can help to control emissions and costs.
A Dosing System for Good Measure
Dr Luigi Di Matteo, Dr Günther Marotz and Ulrich Strotkamp, Di Matteo Förderanlagen GmbH & Co. KG, Germany, illustrate an innovative bulk material dosing system.
Bigger Bags
Christian Straif, Scheuch GmbH, Austria, details the company’s experience with filter bags up to 10 m in length.
Mercury Rising
Jeff Kolde, Chris Polizzi and John Knotts, W.L. Gore & Associates, USA, introduce an innovative new approach to NESHAP compliance.
Trace The Traces
Dr Michael Markus and Manfred Stromberg, SICK Maihak GmbH, Germany, discuss continuous mercury emission monitoring in flue gases.
Burning Developments
Christian Helmreich, GRECO, Austria, describes the way in which burner technology has adapted to use solid alternative fuels.
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