January 2011
2011 begins with the first of this year’s Special Environmental Issues. With articles looking at issues with legislation and regulations, case studies about blended cement, analysis of the appropriate CEM solution for your plant, and technical articles discussing filters, baghouses, monitoring systems, burners and more, this really is a bumper start to the year. In addition, this month’s Regional Report looks at Central and Eastern Europe, including Russia, with a regional overview from Paul Maxwell-Cook and case studies from Azerbaijan, Hungary and Albania.
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CEE Re-Emerges
Paul Maxwell-Cook takes a look at how various CEE countries are gradually emerging from the recession.
A Commitment to Innovation
“Garadagh Cement” OJSC, Azerbaijan, provides an insight into the plant upgrade that is currently underway.
The New Nostra Plant
Nostra Cement Ltd., a STRABAG company, has established a new greenfield plant in Hungary.
A Five Year Success Story
2010 marked a milestone for the Titan Group, as its subsidiary, Antea Cement, opened its latest plant in Albania.
Is NOx and SO2 Trading Smart Policy?
Dr Jean-Marie Chandelle, CEMBUREAU, questions whether the European legislator should introduce a trading scheme in respect of NOx and SO2.
NESHAP: Beginning of the End or the End of the Beginning?
Richard P. Bohan and Andrew T. O’Hare, Portland Cement Association, re-examine NESHAP in the light of the EPA’s finalised amendments.
Success with CCS?
Volker Hoenig, Helmut Hoppe, Jost Lemke and Kristina Koring, European Cement Research Academy, Germany, provide an overview of the potential applications of CCS.
Cemex: the Case for Carbon Reduction in Construction
The Carbon Trust details its working relationship with Cemex UK to advocate carbon management in the cement industry.
Thinking Ahead
Jon Woodhead, Two Tomorrows, UK, explores approaches to the dual objective of reducing CO2 emissions and supporting social development.
10 Step Guide to Choosing a CEM Solution
Michael Markus and Manfred Stromberg, Sick Maihak, Germany, offer guidelines on selecting the right CEMS.
Practical CEMS Solutions
Ravi Narayan, Cemtrex, USA, discusses the monitoring system requirements within the EPA’s ruling for the Portland cement maximum achievable control technology and compliance monitoring.
MACT in Action
Steve Werrell, PCME, and John Brown, Midwesco Filter Resources Inc, USA, provide details on enhancing bag filter performance while satisfying MACT requirements.
Filter Media Efficiency Does Not Equal Dust Collector Efficiency
Andy Winston, GE Energy, USA, explains the importance of all components of a dust collector when determining efficiency.
Low Carbon Cement with Equivalent Performance
Scarth MacDonnell and Josh DeCoste, Lafarge North America, share details of the company’s efforts to improve its environmental footprint with a low carbon blended cement.
Two Birds with One Stone
Christian Helmreich, Greco, Austria, introduces a kiln burner that will reduce the use of fossil fuels without compromising kiln operation.
The Source of Alternative Fuels
Lindner-Recyclingtech GmbH, Austria, was contacted by Wexpool Sp.z o.o., Poland, to install an RDF processing system at its Dabrówka Wielkopolska plant.
A Winning Performance
Conor O’Riain, Ecocem France, describes the first use of equivalent performance concrete in silo construction in France.
The Raw Materials Challenge
Peter Crofts, RockTron International, UK, gives an insight into the latest work utilising waste flyash.
CFD for the ESP
Yatindra Nadkarni, Ionisation Filtration Industries Pvt. Ltd., India, discusses how CFD can improve gas flow distribution in an ESP.
Better Solutions Are Possible
Arvind Kumar Pandey and Tarun Agarwal, Saiphia Technology, India, quantify the success of a recent cement plant upgrade.
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