August 2016
World Cement's August issue features a Keynote on the possibilities of 3D printing within the industry from the PCA’s Rick Bohan. Technical features focus on Air Pollution Control, Filter Media, Thermal Imaging, Corrosion and more. The August issue will once again receive bonus distribution at this year’s FICEM-APCAC show in Cartagena, Colombia.
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World News
Keynote: On the Horizon
Rick Bohan considers how cement based materials and additive manufacturing could be the next horizon in concrete technology.
Air Filtration in Colombia
Giuliamaria Meriggi, Redecam, Italy.
An Essential Strategy
John Kline and Charles Kline, Kline Consulting, USA.
New Multi-Fuel Kiln Burner Launched at Rohoznik
Mads Nielsen and Carsten Damslund Jensen, FLSmidth A/S, Denmark.
Reducing CO2 Emissions Through Biomass Substitution
Michalis Akritopoulos and Tahir Abbas, Cinar Ltd, UK.
A New Generation of Automation
Nino Stölzel, Schenck Process, Germany.
Seeing Clearly on Dust Suppression
Brigitte Pennington, Parker Conflow, UK.
Common Sense Dust Collector System Maintenance and Troubleshooting
Andy Winston, BWF Envirotec, USA.
Industrial Clinker Phases and their Microstructures
Pinky Pandey, UltraTech Cement Ltd, and S. P. Pandey, Dalmia Cement, India.
Combining the Advantages
Eduardo Diez del Sel and Julio Escalona, Reyma Materiales Refractarios, S.A, Spain.
How Accurate Thermal Measurement Can Reduce Maintenance Costs
Richard Gagg, AMETEK Land Inc., USA.
Capturing Fine Dust
M. Giavazzi, F. Di Natale, M. Esposito and A. Lancia, Boldrocchi and The University of Naples, Italy.
Updating Dedusting Installations
Eduardo Sauto, Gorco, Spain.
Particulate Control by Renewing Ageing ESPs
Thompson Tsai, Tina Anting and Harry T. Mangaoang, Tai & Chyun Associates Industries Inc., Taiwan.
Choosing a Strategy
Alejandro Espejel, FLSmidth Operation & Maintenance A/S, Denmark.
Increasing Productivity
Bruno Godoy and Michael Stalder, ABB, Switzerland, and Derya Derinyol, Bursa Cimento, Turkey.
Product News
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