August 2010
The latest in our series of Special Issues focuses on Pyroprocessing. This issue includes articles describing the latest developments in burning technology, refractory materials, thermography, wear and corrosion reduction, and alternative fuels. The Regional Report this issue is Sub-Saharan Africa, with a special focus on South Africa. Industry Insight provides a thorough report on the country’s economy and the construction industry’s place within this, and there is also an article from Lafarge South Africa about Project Rainbow. Giorgio Bodo of ASEC Cement takes us through the process of establishing the company’s first greenfield plant, which is located in Sudan. The issue concludes with the postponed ‘Q&A: Comminution’, carried over from the July issue.
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Inside Insight
Cement News
South Africa is Shaping Up
Elsie Snyman, Industry Insight, South Africa, explains how the South African cement industry is developing on the back of infrastructure projects.
Rainbow Project Serves South Africa
Lafarge South Africa outlines a greenfield project in South Africa and its contribution to the local community.
Taking on Takamol
Giorgio Bodo, ASEC Cement, Egypt, gives an overview of the company’s first greenfield installation.
Reducing Ring Formation
Cliff Rennie (UK) and Ken Rhodes (USA), Kiln Flame Systems, describe a combustion optimisation project at Southern Lime’s plant in Alabama, USA.
The Benefits of Internal Coatings
Debra Ashley, Specialized Coating Technology, LLC, USA, describes the benefits of internal coating applications to cement kilns, baghouses and other flue gas equipment.
A Solution to Increased Mechanical Stresses
Susanne Jörg, Gerald Gelbmann and Roland Krischanitz, RHI AG, Austria, introduce a new type of brick to combat tyre stresses.
An Introduction to Infrared
Chris Brown, FLIR Systems Ltd, UK, introduces the basics of infrared imaging when monitoring the pyroprocess.
All Angles Covered
Dr Richard Salisbury, Thermoteknix Systems Ltd, UK, explains how a selection of monitoring equipment is helping Saudi Cement oversee its pyroprocessing operations.
Switching to Side View
Alexander Hanf, Powitec Intelligent Technologies, Germany, explains the benefits of side view thermography at the kiln hood side.
Current Trends in Chromate Reduction
Dr Armin Schneider, KRONOS ecochem, Germany, provides an update on chromate reduction standards and practices.
The Forefront of Alternative Fuel Production
Danilo P. Manayaga, Secura International Corporation, the Philippines, considers the creation of alternative fuels for use in cement manufacturing.
Adapting to Alternative Fuels
Brad Wilson, FCT Combustion Pty Ltd, Australia, looks at alternative fuel usage in kiln burners.
Burners for Kilns and Calciners: Part IIa – Calciner Burning Arrangements
Tahir Abbas, Michail Akritopoulos and Tom Lowes, Cinar Ltd, UK, continue their discussion of how alternative fuels and raw materials can affect NOx and CO emissions, this time turning their attention to the calciner.
Improving the Process
Dr A. Shashkov, PJSC Sukholozhskcement, Russia, describes the replacement of the existing cooler with a new ETA cooler.
A Prime Lime Installation
Enrico Barberis, Terruzzi Fercalx SpA, Italy, details the successful installation and operation of a lime plant in Oman.
When Problems are Solutions
Dhananjay Pandey, Technical Director, and Arvind Kumar, Project Manager, Saiphia Technology Pvt.Ltd, India, present an interesting case study from Iran.
Q&A: Comminution
Continuing our series of Q&As, this session looks at issues of wear, energy efficiency, mill type and additives, with responses from Bedeschi, FLSmidth, FraMisUS, Mapei and KHD Humboldt Wedag.
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