Tarmac expands its line-up of moving floor trailers
Published by Rebecca Bowden,
Assistant Editor
World Cement,
Tarmac has added 40 brand new trailers to its line-up of moving floor trailers as part of its commitment to continuously improving the safety of its fleet of HGVs.
The new vehicles will operate nationwide and have bolstered Tarmac’s total number of vehicles to almost 100 nationally, making it the largest fleet of its type in the UK’s highway industry.
Moving floor trailers differ from traditional articulated tipper trucks by using an in-built moving floor to ‘walk’ the product out of the trailer in order to discharge the payload.
The trailers reduce risk because of their increased stability and ability to operate without tipping. This provides a number of health and safety benefits for both operators, and those working on the site. They are also able to discharge materials in locations that would otherwise pose a risk, including underneath overhead power lines, or in tunnels.
Sean McGrae, Tarmac’s senior manager, national transport, said: “Operating the UK’s largest fleet of these new, safer moving floor vehicles enables us to build on our capability to supply construction projects through the UK. Safety is our first priority and we are consistently working to improve standards, so the advantages of these vehicles are clear. Being able to offload material safely under overhead obstruction and restricted environments reduces risk for our drivers and site teams, and allows work to be completed more flexibly and efficiently.
“Other major benefits are that moving floor trailers can operate in tight areas as well as allow continuous laying, which increases site productivity.”
The moving floor vehicles also offer imoproved environmental performance, as their increase carrying capacity means that they are able to deliver a higher payload per trailer, resulting in a lower number of total bejicle movements on a project. This reduces transport CO2 emissions and improves carbon footprint.
Read the article online at: https://www.worldcement.com/europe-cis/27042017/tarmac-expands-its-line-up-of-moving-floor-trailers/
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