Langley teams compete in football tournament
Published by Rebecca Bowden,
Assistant Editor
World Cement,
Claudius Peters Projects and Piller Power Systems have both taken part in the ‘Bremen Niedersächsischer Unternehmenscup 2016’ football tournament, which took place on 16.09.2016.
In the main round the two Langley teams had to compete against each other, ending in a 3:3 draw. At the end of the tournament Claudius Peters has reached 8th place, out of 19 teams, while Piller came 7th.
The tournament was enjoyed by all. The Claudius Peters team was pleased to have the opportunity to get o know their colleagues from Piller, and the captains of both teams have agreed to stay in touch to organise future matches.
Adapted from press release by Rebecca Bowden
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