Akçansa Çimento chooses FLSmidth ship unloader
Published by Lucy Stewardson,
Editorial Assistant
World Cement,
Akçansa Çimento had been operating a KOVAKO® ship unloader day in day out for 27 years. When it came time to retire the well-used machine, the company returned to FLSmidth for a replacement. It opted for the latest state-of-the-art KOVAKO road mobile ship unloader.
The facility in Turkey required a highly efficient ship unloader, capable of unloading at high capacities with minimal dust. The KOVAKO K0-1 road mobile ship unloader is designed to fit with 500 DWT ships and unloads at rates of up to 175 tph. Thanks to the optimised vacuum nozzle unloading technology and fully enclosed 20 m long pneumatic unloading arm, dust is kept to an absolute minimum, while cement is transported from the ships to the silos 113 m away.
The robust design, backed by intensive testing, FEA, and kinematic studies, ensures that Akçansa Çimento will get at least another 27 years out of the pneumatic unloading arm.
Read the article online at: https://www.worldcement.com/europe-cis/26042019/akansa-imento-chooses-flsmidth-ship-unloader/
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