Holcim Germany earns CSC certificates
Published by Lucy Stewardson,
Editorial Assistant
World Cement,
As of February 2019, Holcim Germany is the first company to have sustainability certificates from the Concrete Sustainability Council (CSC) for ready-mixed concrete as well as for cement and aggregates. Currently, Holcim also has CSC certificates for concrete (Düsseldorf/North Rhine-Westphalia) and for aggregates (Malsch/Baden-Württemberg).
On 19 February in Ulm, as a regional system operator of the CSC, the Federal Association of Ready-Mixed Concrete officially presented CSC certificates in gold and silver for six locations. Holcim gravel works Stenden, Willich and Vorst (North Rhine-Westphalia), and Rheinzabern (Baden-Württemberg) are set to follow in the next few weeks. In addition, ready-mixed concrete is scheduled to be certified by Holcim Brüggen (North Rhine-Westphalia), Frankfurt, and Hanau (Hesse).
“The CSC certificate adds value to our customers because the certificate is recognised by common building sustainability certificates (DGNB and BREEAM),” said Werner Spilles, Head of Ready-Mixed Concrete and member of the management team at Holcim Germany. “That is why Holcim Beton provides customers with measurable benefits for their construction projects.”
Read the article online at: https://www.worldcement.com/europe-cis/21022019/holcim-germany-earns-csc-certificates/
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