DTS Group delivers wagon tippler to Ivano-Frankivskcement
Published by Jonathan Rowland,
World Cement,
Dneprotechservice SPF (DTS Group) has successful delivered and commissioned the newest model of its wagon tipplers range, an open-top VRS-75S2, at JSC Ivano-Frankivskcement, one of the leading manufacturer of construction materials in Ukraine. This project was one of three major bulk materials handling projects DTS Group fulfilled in 2016.
DTS Group VRS-75 wagon tipplers feature an opentop that ensures full and reliable discharge of bulk material from a wagon, reducing the risk of materials adhering to the upper steel structures of wagon tipplers in winter period. In order to ensure correct clamp hooks operation under freezing weather, VRS-75-type tipplers have heating elements installed within the hooks.
The recent delivery of the wagon tippler is the 6th bulk materials handling project the DTS Group has fulfilled within the cement industry in the last 8 years. Almost all cement and aggregates plants in CIS countries use wagon tipplers made by PJSC Dneprotyazhmash, a part of DTS Group since 2001. Overall, the VRS-75S2 for Ivano-Frankivskcement has become the 11th VRS-75 wagon tippler to be made and commissioned by DTS Group.
Ivano-Frankivskcement was founded in 1998 in the Western part of Ukraine near Ivano-Frankivsk city. The company uses equipment made by the leading contractors from Germany, Denmark and Austria, as well as modern analytical control instruments, making the plant the most advanced construction materials supplier in Ukraine. The plant uses dry mix process and produces five types of cement based on Portland cement clinker.
DTS Group is a leading Ukrainian group of that provides engineering solutions, equipment and services for mining and metallurgy, power generation, construction, and aerospace industries worldwide. The bulk materials handling division of DTS Group manufacturers equipment for rail wagon unloading, defrosting, crushing, conveying and handling of powder and bulk solids.
Since the 1940s, DTS Group companies have designed, made and supplied over 400 wagon tipplers and vast amounts of unloading systems for customers in more than two dozen countries. Equipment for its bulk materials dandling division is used at power stations, ports and terminals, cement and aggregates factories, concentration, agglomeration, metallurgical plants and smelters across the globe.
Image: VRS-75S2 wagon tippler during its installation at JSC Ivano-Frankivskcement. Credit: DTS Group.
Read the article online at: https://www.worldcement.com/europe-cis/20012017/dts-group-delivers-wagon-tippler-to-ivano-frankivskcement/
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