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Waste fuel utilisation helps Spanish cement industry to avoid 850 000 t of carbon emissions in 2012

World Cement,

At the beginning of June, Fundación CEMA met with delegates in Castilla and León, Spain, to present regional figures from a report looking at the Spanish cement sector’s utilisation of waste materials.

The report (Informe sobre reciclado y valorización de residuos en la industria cementera de España) has been compiled by Instituto Cerdà and presented by the Fundación del Cemento y el Medio Ambiente (CEMA). It reveals that the use of waste fuels in Spanish cement plants in 2012 reduced CO2 emissions by 850 000 t, the equivalent amount of energy consumed by 550 000 homes pa. In 2012, 28 of Spain’s 35 cement plants utilised waste materials in the production process, amounting to around 795 000 t.

In Castilla and León, three cement plants burnt some 50 000 t of waste derived fuels, lowering CO2 emissions by 56 000 t. The plants comprise Cementos Cosmos’ Toral de los Vados facility, Cementos Tudela Veguín’s La Robla site and Cementos Portland Valderrivas’ plant in Hontoria.

The report (Spanish language) can be found at

Adapted from press release by

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