Holcim holds 100th Annual General Meeting
Holcim Ltd has held its 100th Annual General Meeting, attended by 2076 shareholders. All motions proposed by the Board of Directors were passed after majority votes in their favour.
The main points of the meeting include the following:
- The payout from capital contribution reserves of CHF1 per registered share was approved. The payment will take place on 24 April 2012. The remuneration report was confirmed in an advisory vote by shareholders holding approximately 79% of the share capital represented.
- Professor Dr. Ing. Wolfgang Reitzle was newly elected to the Board of Directors. His past roles include CEO of Linde, CEO of the Premier Automotive Group and Vice President of Ford.
- Board members Adrian Loader, Dr. h.c. Thomas Schmidheiny and Dr. Dieter Spälti were re-elected for a further 3-year term.
- The Chairman bade farewell to Dr. h.c. Wolfgang Schürer, who has served on the Board since 1997, and CEO Markus Akermann, who started his Holcim career in 1978, being appointed a member of the Executive Committee in 1993. From 2002 until his retirement at the end of January 2012, he was CEO of Holcim Ltd. The Chairman, Dr. Rolf Soiron, thanked them both for their valuable service over many years.
Adapted from press release by Louise Fordham
Read the article online at: https://www.worldcement.com/europe-cis/18042012/holcim_cement_meeting_announcement_ceo/
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