Cemex UK launches the 20th book in its conservation series
Cemex UK celebrated the launch of A Gift of Nature, the latest book in its conservation book series. As part of its corporate sustainability strategy, Cemex has published one book a year since the initiative was introduced in 1993. The 20th book in the series, A Gift of Nature takes a look back at the last two decades by synthesising the world-class photography, work of scientific authors and key issues highlighted in the previous conservation books. Published in partnership with Earth in Focus, Conservation International, International Union for Conservation of Nature, BirdLife International, Wildlife Conservation Society, The Wild Foundation, Nature Serve and Wetlands International, A Gift of Nature reinforces the importance of conservation work. For the first time, the book has been published in both English and Spanish.
The book launch took place at the Mexican Ambassador’s Residency in London. Jesus Gonzalez, President of Cemex UK, introduced the latest book in the conservation initiative, which he described as “a platform for sponsoring and giving leading not-for-profit conservation bodies a voice and for us to put the spotlight on key conservation issues”.
“It is also integral to a Cemex UK strategy, which involves helping to build a greater Britain through sustainable growth. Today’s challenge is to achieve this goal against the backdrop of a shortage in housing, the need to improve infrastructure, secure energy supply and manage water and waste more responsibly and effectively,” he added.
The Rt Hon Michael Fallon, MP and Minister of State for Business and Energy also spoke at the launch.
Fallon stressed the importance of collaborations between the construction sector and wildlife organisations: "As demonstrated by Cemex and their conservation partners, business interests and environmental interests don’t have to conflict. Rather, they can enrich and complement each other”.
Adapted from press release by Louise Fordham.
Read the article online at: https://www.worldcement.com/europe-cis/16052013/cemex_uk_launches_twentieth_conservation_book_191/
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