Cement consumption in Spain increases
Published by Rebecca Bowden,
Assistant Editor
World Cement,
Cement consumption in Spain has increased by 4.2% in February, reaching 910 252 t. This represents a cumulative growth of 9.9% over the first nine months of the year.
"Tthis slight increase in the consumption of cement is unexpected and punctual, due to the volatility of the market," says the general director of Oficemen, Aniceto Zaragoza. "To this we have to add, with concern, that the current drive behind this construction, residential building, cannot guarantee the recovery of the sector by itself, if it is not soon accompanied by a reactivation of public work.”
On the other hand, exports fell in February by about 9%, which equates to a loss of over 55 000 t. “Unfortunately, what has been gained in domestic consumption has been lost in foreign markets, where energy costs continue to hamper the competitiveness of the industry,’ says Zaragoza.
Read the article online at: https://www.worldcement.com/europe-cis/16032017/cement-consumption-in-spain-increases/
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