Kant Cement Plant JSC starts the development of a new limestone deposit
Published by Sol Klappholz,
Assistant Editor
World Cement,
United Cement Group's Kant Cement Plant JSC has started the devleopment of a new limestone deposit 'Severnaya Gryada'. The new 'Severnaya Gryada' deposit will be able to provide the plant with raw materials in the long term, including limestone with higher calcium content, in order to reduce the consumption of crushed stone and subsequently minimise dust emissions into the air.
Kant Cement Plant has been successfully using fly ash as an additive in cement milling for more than a year. Fly ash is a finely dispersed material formed after coal combustion in boiler furnaces at thermal power plants and extracted by ash collectors. Thanks to the use of fly ash, Kant Cement Plant acquires over 65 000 t of ash annually, thereby reducing coal waste and significantly improving the environmental safety in the region.
Read the article online at: https://www.worldcement.com/europe-cis/14072022/united-cement-group-starts-the-development-of-a-new-deposit/
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