Quinn Cement launches new cement range in Ireland
Published by Nicholas Woodroof,
World Cement,
The company invested over €3 million in their cement plant to bring the new range to the market, which includes three new cement products: General Purpose Cement, Master Grade Cement and Premium Grade Cement.
Each product in the range is available in robust weatherproof plastic packaging following the installation of a new bagging line in the Quinn Cement factory. The new packaging is ideal for merchants’ and builders’ yards, giving extra protection against the elements, and ease of handling thanks to the rough grip texture of the plastic.
The new cement range has been tailored to cater for individual applications, with each product boasting properties suited to different purposes, which will appeal to a wider variety of tradesmen.
Quinn Cement’s new high strength product, Premium Grade Cement, offers superior strength at 42,5N, and is intended for screeders and tradesmen requiring a superior strength product.
The new Master Grade Cement is designed for plastering and mortar, thanks to its enhanced workability. With added air entrainer, Master Grade has increased frost protection, which combined with the tough weatherproof plastic packaging available, will make this a popular choice in yards and on sites across Ireland.
Quinn’s General Purpose Cement is a versatile cement product, suitable for use in any building application, including concrete, mortar, plastering and screeding. This cement is perfect for general use, particularly in smaller jobs and repairs.
Quinn Building Products’ Irish Sales and Marketing Director, Seamus McMahon said: “We’re delighted to bring the new range to Ireland, particularly given the success we’ve seen in the British market where bagged cement sales have seen a huge increase since the range was launched earlier this year.
“News of the Irish launch has been very well received by our merchant customers, and the demand to stock the new products here has been growing since they were unveiled for the British market. In particular, we expect the weatherproof bags to be very popular across Ireland, as they have been in Britain.”
“The decision to invest in the new cement products was made in response to the demand from both merchants and tradesmen to provide a range of tailor made products. For merchants, it allows them to cater for their customers’ individual needs, which is essential to their business, and we must ensure we provide the right products to facilitate this.”
“The first deliveries of our new cement products have already been delivered to some Irish merchants, and the feedback has been very positive, with expectations of high demand for the range.”
Read the article online at: https://www.worldcement.com/europe-cis/10092018/quinn-cement-launches-new-cement-range-in-ireland/
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