Hanson celebrates International Women’s Day
Published by Emily Thomas,
Deputy Editor
World Cement,
In light of the recent International Women’s Day, Hanson is supporting calls to ‘break the bias’ to ensure all employees reach their full potential.
Gender equality is a key part of the company’s commitment to creating a diverse and inclusive workforce as CEO Simon Willis explains: “A diverse and inclusive workforce helps our business to be stronger and more successful for everyone.”
“It is our vision that every employee feels valued, empowered and accepted for who they are. It’s about respecting everyone’s differences and celebrating individual successes.”
Hanson’s fairness, inclusion and respect (FIR) committee continues to implement changes to achieve this, including setting recruitment equality targets – including the company’s pledge to have 25% of its senior roles filled by women by 2025 to help bridge the gender pay gap – and driving improvements in maternity and shared parental leave.
In addition, Hanson’s Network of Women (NOW UK) group, which has over 100 active members, provides a networking platform to facilitate collaboration, discuss challenges and support female colleagues in fulfilling their career goals.
Read the article online at: https://www.worldcement.com/europe-cis/09032022/hanson-celebrates-international-womens-day/
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