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TITAN reports improved safety record

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World Cement,

TITAN Group’s reported an improved health and safety record in 2016, as the company’s lost time injuries frequency rate (LTIFR) fell for both company employees and contractors. In total, there were 29 lost time injuries (LTIs) across the company last year.

“Indicative highlights of our sustainability efforts in 2016 include the groups continuing focus on safety, which resulted in a reduction in lost time incidents,” said CEO Dimitri Papalexopoulos.

The LTIFR for company employees fell to 1.92 LTIs per million hours, a 4% improvement on 2016. Meanwhile, the LTIFR for contractors fell more significantly, by 33.6%, to 0.73 LTIs per million hours.

TITAN also implemented a number of group-wide initiatives in 2016 to improve health and safety. These included a new health surveillance system for dust, respirable crystalline silica, and noise at all business units, standardizing efforts that had thus far been made independently by individual units.

A lock-out-tag-out (LOTO) campaign saw LOTO-related LTIs reduce from nine in 2015 to just two in 2016, while training for the prevention of serious accident started in 2016 and will continue to 2018. The training looks to learn the lessons of past serious incidents or serious near misses at TITAN plants in the past.

In addition, the company also implemented the following initiatives:

  • Compendium of safety equipment covering plant operation in depth, produced and distributed to all business units.
  • New guideline on safe work plans published, for jobs not fully covered by existing procedures.
  • Step-by-step guide to the root cause analysis of health and safety incidents produced and distributed, with training to follow in 2017.

Despite the progress made with LTIs and safety programmes, the company reported one third-party fatality in 2016, a result of a road traffic accident involving a mixing truck driven by a contractor.

“The group deeply regrets [the fatality],” TITAN said in its annual report. “We seek to strengthen and further improve our efforts to embed a culture of safe driving among our employees and contractors.”

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