Newsbytes from India’s cement industry
Published by Katherine Guenioui,
World Cement,
Operations at the Durgapur Cement plant have been affected by the recent severe weather, which has damaged power lines. Birla Corporation Ltd, which owns the plant, reported: “The operations at the company’s Durgapur Cement units have been affected on account of severe ‘Tornado’ on October 13, 2013, which damaged local high tension line and pole structure…The production of cement can be resumed only after the restoration of power supply.” This restoration is expected to take 10 – 12 days. Action is being taken together with Damodar Valley Corporation.
Calls to reopen mini cement plant
In Nagaland, local people are calling for the mini cement plant (MCP) at Weziho to be reopened to benefit the state, which doesn’t currently have a state-owned factory up and running. The plant was running from 1992 to 2003, at which point it was stopped to be modernised. The state-funded expansion to 150 tpd was completed in May 2008, but the plant has not been used since then, despite successfully completing trial operations. The government had planned to privatise the plant for operation on a lease basis, which would generate more revenue and more employment opportunities for the state. Thus far, a number of companies have shown interest, but little has ever come of it, though another MoU is reportedly with the government now for approval. However, the local people feel that, given the plant’s potential, it would be preferable for the state government to take over via the Nagaland State Mineral Development Corporation (NSMDC) and begin production immediately. They have asserted their position through an editorial in The Morung Express.
Edited from various sources by Katherine Guenioui
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