Semen Indonesia awarded certification
Published by Joseph Green,
World Cement,
On 13 October 2015, a Professional Institute Certification was handed to the president director of PT Semen Indonesia (Persero) Suparni by the chairman of the national body of professional certification (BNSP) Sumarna S. Abdurahman. The Group has successfully fulfilled all the requirements that have been required by BNSP.
The Certification Body has the authority to assess and issue certification of competence in accordance with the BNSP guidelines relating to all employees of PT Semen Indonesia (Persero) Tbk. The principal task of the LSP SMI Group is to formulate and develop a certification scheme, make the assessment and competency testing, provide assessors, conduct surveillance of maintenance and certification, verify and establish a competency test, and maintain and develop the performance of the assessor certification services.
The scope of the competency test covers the entire professional network of Indonesia Cement, including subsidiaries and the entire business chain of Semen Indonesia.
Edited from source by Joseph Green. Source: Semen Indonesia
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