Cimenterie Nationale joins Cement Sustainability Initiative
Published by Katherine Guenioui,
World Cement,
Cimenterie Nationale of Lebanon has joined the WBCSD Cement Sustainability Initiative. The company, founded in 1953, produces more than 2.6 million tpy of cement and directly employs more than 550 people and provides indirect employment for 1000 people.
Joining the CSI is an indication of the company’s commitment to the pursuance of sustainable development within the cement industry and beyond. Cimenterie Nationale prides itself on promoting a culture of trust and respect in its team, and providing a healthy and stimulating work environment that enhances personal development. The guiding principle is to conduct business with integrity, care for the environment, and social responsibility for the communities in which it operates.
The Cement Sustainability Initiative represents 24 member companies with operations in over 100 countries. Collectively these companies account for around 30% of the world's cement production and range in size from very large multinationals to smaller local producers.
Adapted from press release by Katherine Guenioui
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