Review: Step by Step Towards Alternative Fuels – part three
Katherine Guenioui provides a round-up from the second day of the Loesche symposium, which was co-hosted by A TEC and sponsored by Scheuch.
Katherine Guenioui provides a round-up from the second day of the Loesche symposium, which was co-hosted by A TEC and sponsored by Scheuch.
This article continues the summary of papers, discussions and plant visits that took place during the Loesche seminar on alternative fuels.
Katherine Guenioui reviews the Loesche symposium, co-hosted by A TEC and sponsored by Scheuch.
Almost 50 000 t of cement was bagged in May 2015, beating the August 2013 record of around 46 500 t.
The Eurocement company sent 5675 t of cement by truck in one day.