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New particulate matter rule in 2021


Published by
World Cement,

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has released a draft schedule for updating their particulate matter standard. According to the schedule, they are not planning to lower standards for at least another five years.

If the EPA were to lower the particulate matter standard, it could result in stricter production limits for air permits. The previous standard was issued in 2013, and included the retention of the coarse particulate standard (PM10) at 150 ug/m3 and a reduction in the fine particulate standard (PM2.5) to 12 ug/m3.

While the Clean Air Act requires that EPA review the standard every five years, it is not unusual for the see delays in the extensive review process, which includes a review of the science, risk and policy of the standard prior to issuing a proposed rule. Environmental groups have urged the EPA to speed up its review, but none have yet announced a lawsuit to force EPA to meet the statutory deadline.

NSSGA will continue to advocate on behalf of the aggregates industry on this important issue through comments and other advocacy initiatives.

Edited from source by Joseph Green. Source: NSSGA


NSSGA furthers legal challenge to MSHA

A district court judge in Southern Ohio will hear the arguments of NSSGA and fellow litigants against MSHA’s Pattern of Violations rule.