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NSSGA urges members to remind officials of value of aggregates


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World Cement,

The NSSGA has invited everyone involved in the aggregates industry to meet face-to-face with their elected officials on Capitoline Hill and educate them on the significance of aggregates.

NSSGA will help set up meetings with members of Congress for attendees of the second annual Safety and Health Committee Meetings and Advocacy Fly-In taking place in Washington DC on 12 – 14 September.

“It is really important to let lawmakers know the many ways that quarries have positive impacts in their communities, and there are quarries in just about every congressional district,” said Jim Riley, NSSGA senior director of government affairs. “These operations employ local people, support families and contribute to the community in addition to providing the materials needed for every public works project.”

Riley said that NSSGA will also provide talking points for anyone meeting with their elected officials, so advocating for the industry is as easy as possible.“There is nothing more impactful than a relationship with one’s member of Congress. They value the opinions of constituents above all else, and meeting with them in D.C. can help build a positive relationship,” Riley continued.

Adapted from press release by


NSSGA furthers legal challenge to MSHA

A district court judge in Southern Ohio will hear the arguments of NSSGA and fellow litigants against MSHA’s Pattern of Violations rule.