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Cement companies invest in new facilities in the Brazilian city of Adrianópolis


World Cement,

The Brazilian local government of Adrianópolis, Paraná, has signed a document of intent with Companhia Vale do Ribeira (CVR) for the construction of a new cement plant. The plant, which represents an investment of R$518 million, has the support of the state under the Paraná Competitivo financial incentive programme. The construction phase, which is due to commence in May 2014, will generate around 2000 direct and indirect jobs. Production is expected to start in June 2016. The plant will have a cement production capacity of 1 million tpa.

Margem Mineração, part of Supremo Cimentos, is also investing R$350 million in the region, with plans to establish a cement facility in the city of Adrianópolis.

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