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LafargeHolcim in Brazil: CADE grants conditional approval and Cementos Argos pulls out of bidding process


World Cement,

Cementos Argos pulls out of Brazilian bidding process

Colombian building materials manufacturer Cementos Argos has announced that it will not move forward in the bidding process for assets pegged for divestment by Lafarge and Holcim in Brazil.

Argos’ José Alberto Vélez had previously hinted to local press that the group may be interested in assets in Brazil or Mexico but stressed that nothing concrete had been decided. However, in a statement released on 6 December, the group said that after studying the information it did not foresee the assets generating the expected return on investment.

CADE grants conditional approval for LafargeHolcim proposal

Brazil’s competition body, the Tribunal of the Administrative Council for Economic Defense (CADE), approved the proposed merger between Lafarge and Holcim on 10 December. The approval was conditioned to the signature of a Merger Control Agreement and subject to a number of asset disposals in order to resolve competition concerns. The cement producers must divest plants in Arcos, Matozinhos and Santa Luiza, in the state of Minas Gerais, as well as in Cantagalo in the state of Rio de Janeiro. The buyer must receive approval from CADE and the transaction can only be concluded following the trade of their sale.

“The proposal presented by the companies addresses the concerns pointed by the Council in the cement, concrete, gravel and aggregates. The decision does not conflict with what was already decided by CADE in these markets.” said Reporting Commissioner Gilvandro Araújo.

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CCI invites public comments on proposed LafargeHolcim merger

The Competition Commission of India has ‘formed a prima facie opinion that the combination is likely to have an appreciable adverse effect on competition’ and announced that it will be inviting public comments on the planned LafargeHolcim merger.

Plans to extend life of quarry by 35 years

Aggregate Industries, UK, plans to submit a proposal to Somerset County Council, seeking permission for a project that will allow it to continue work at the Torr Quarry, Somerset, until 2040.