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Green concrete chosen for ZEA project


World Cement,

Green World Crete's near-zero-carbon emission cement, Geo-Green CreteTM, has been chosen as the "green" alternative cement for the Zero Energy America (ZEA) project for the construction of energy efficient homes on Florida's West Coast. The 2-part 120-minute American Public Television (APT) documentary chronicling the construction of zero energy homes is scheduled to air on public television stations across the US in January 2011.

Synergy of green technologies
The search for green alternative technology and solutions to combat the global energy crisis has led the promoters of the Zero Energy America project to partner with companies that offer eco-friendly products and services. The ultimate concept behind the production of the Zero Energy Homes is to create a synergy of green construction technologies and solutions for building more eco-friendly, more energy-efficient homes. Marc Rutenberg Homes, known as Florida's First Family of Homebuilders and for innovative leadership as eco-conscious builders, has been chosen to partner with Green World Crete, LLC, for the construction of Zero Energy Homes that not only lower energy consumption levels, but are also part of the solution of minimising toxic Greenhouse Gas Emissions.

Near-zero CO2 cement
Geo-Green CreteTM, which is a zero-Portland-based cement, is formulated using abundantly available post-industrial waste and naturally occurring aluminoscilicate materials. These materials are mixed with Green World Crete's proprietary binding agent at ambient temperature to produce a near-zero carbon dioxide emission manufacturing process and product. Because our Geo-Green CreteTM product is a non-limestone based cement which does not require the use of fossil fuel to heat large kilns, it results in an environmentally friendly process for its manufacturing, thus minimising the emission of toxic gases and chemicals into the environment.

Zero Energy Homes project
The Zero Energy Homes project represents a small but significant step in demonstrating viable green construction solutions to the global energy crisis and the related problem of oil dependency. With the combination of Marc Rutenberg's vision of excellence in home design and building, and Green World Crete's innovative green solution to cement production, the Zero Energy Homes project will be an important forbearer of the next generation of healthier energy-efficient homes that offer both greater livability and greater affordability.

Green World Crete LLC


Green concrete in the news again

A new player has emerged, claiming development of a cementitious material made from post-industrial waste and producing near-zero carbon emissions. Many such products have made the news recently, but will any or all gain precedence over OPC?