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Bolu Cimento orders another Gebr. Pfeiffer mill


Published by
World Cement,

Further to the order for three MPS mills, placed by Bolu Cimento for its Ankara-Kazan plant in December 2013, Gebr. Pfeiffer has received a further order for an MPS 4500 BC mill for grinding granulated blastfurnace slag at the Bolu plant. The mill will be identical to the cement mill that will be installed in Kazan.

The mill features a 3300 kW drive power, and will grind slag at a rate of 85 tph at a product fineness of 4500 – 4750 cm2/g. In addition to the core components of the mill and classifier, Gebr. Pfeiffer will supply the mill gearbox, as well as the required  drawings and parts lists for the local manufacture of housing and steel parts and documents for quality control.

Delivery of the mill is scheduled to begin at the end of this year, to be completed by spring 2015.

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