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Infographic: construction dust


World Cement,

UK safety equipment and workwear supplier, Arco, recently announced that it had partnered with the British Occupational Hygiene Society (BOHS) to raise awareness of the hazardous effects of construction dust. Together, they aim to lower the number of construction worker fatalities that result from exposure to construction dust. The infographic below has been created by Arco to highlight the health risks posed by construction dust and the tasks carried out by construction workers that could lead to exposure.

'Construction dust: the silent killer'. Infographic courtesy of Arco.

Arco has also released a Construction Dust Expert Guide, endorsed by the BOHS, which provides information on protecting against construction dust, best practice to lower risk in the workplace, minimising dust levels, as well as a guide to the range of specialist respiratory protective equipment and training options available.

Written by Infographic courtesy of Arco.


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